Daily Virgo Horoscope May 01 (01/05)


Aug 23 − Sep 22

Alias: Alias: The Virgin

May 01


daily virgo horoscope:

summary virgo daily

Star 10/10

Youre being encouraged to be creative in more than one way and possibly in more than one area of your world. However, being creative could perhaps be better interpreted as being resourceful. You could be aware of whats missing in your world than what you have available. Whilst there might be a shortfall, that shouldnt stop you from making progress where you want to make it. You might just have to be a bit more imaginative and willing to improvise.


summary virgo tomorrow

Star 8/10

Agreeing to disagree with a certain person might be the wisest strategy to implement now as it becomes clear how you and someone have polarized views about a particular matter. Yet, despite this, a sense of mutual respect exists that could be helping to take the edge off of what might have otherwise been a tense or confrontational exchange. Continue to stand your ground.


summary virgo weekly

Star 8/10

A professional opportunity might be begging to be seized and if youre inclined to seize it without giving proper thought to what youre seizing or possibly leaving behind then it could become clear that looking a bit more closely before you leaped was necessary. Slow down and assess if what youre planning is deserving of energy youre inclined to give it. If it is, then give it your all and dont look back. However, if you have any doubts, then trust they exist for a good reason.


summary virgo monthly

Star 10/10

I recall reading how a certain rock star who shares your Sun sign was a teacher before becoming a rock legend but gave up teaching because kids never applauded. We dont always want applause but want at least some level of acknowledgment of our efforts. What others might deem as offering ego-inflating praise, we regard as essential information if were to make progress and grow as individuals. In an area of your world, you might have long given up on ever receiving certain praise or recognition you deserve. This month, you look set to receive it and more!


health virgo daily

Star 8/10

You thrive on having a secret plan. This is nothing to be ashamed of! Secret plans are really pacts you make with yourself - a way of challenging yourself and being protected at the same time from public scrutiny. Now is a great time to isolate a particular health goal: improve your skin by drinking copious amounts of water throughout the day, improve your muscle tone with furtive trips to the gym, or save your pennies and treat yourself to a relaxing getaway!


health virgo tomorrow

Star 7/10

You need plenty of room to run now! Bottling up your energy will result in some fireworks you might want to save for later next year. The subtle, mounting stress of your life style, the diversions from regular diet and upset in sleep schedule are things we all experience. You tend to be particularly affected. You are responsible for your emotions, no matter what. Eat tons of garlic and take long runs or walks to burn off excess energy.


health virgo weekly

Star 8/10

Don\t get stuck indoors - enjoy the fresh air. It\s important to maintain balance between working out in a gym and walking or jogging in the open. Watch your step or you might catch a cold from your partner. Don\t be tempted to binge for emotional reasons. If you do slip up, don\t look back. Keep going!


health virgo monthly

Star 9/10

If you could find the perfect diet, what would it be? This month you might be on a quest to discover a way of eating that enables you to lose weight and still enjoy your food. This might involve looking at a number of plans and recipes and perhaps creating your own system that\s geared to your body\s needs and metabolism. If you find something that proves successful, you might even feel inspired to write a book about it. The cosmos encourages you to take a few days out for a detox that leaves you feeling physically, mentally, and emotionally uplifted.


love virgo daily

Star 9/10

Your capacity for conversation may reach new heights today, and you could surprise yourself with your determination to make a certain point, or to bring about specific changes through a particular discussion. The current planetary transits encourage you to talk big time, and not to beat about the bush when expressing your needs. You will make great progress by being fearlessly honest and staying open to the truth.


love virgo tomorrow

Star 10/10

Your and your beloved may make a serious decision today, with current astral configuration, one that you have been considering for a while. It concerns the strengthening of the bond between you, and perhaps the idea of doing so formally. Although you will have much to discuss, you may also wish to include some kind of celebration later on to mark the occasion.


love virgo weekly

Star 8/10

Is your bank account dictating the direction of your love life? If you\re feeling flush, you\re willing to take some romantic risks, but if budgeting is a problem, you\re likelier to take a conservative approach to dating. You typically err on the side of caution, but the weekend has you wondering what it\s like on the wild side. Consider all possible consequences before taking action.


love virgo monthly

Star 7/10

The earthy Mars/Pluto trine on May 5 positively affects your love life, especially in the areas of effort and determination. You might not be the flashiest partner, but your ability to demonstrate responsibility and faithfulness shines above all others. A Sun/Saturn trine on May 17 thrives on balance, so anything that you\ve done to upset it in your love life is called into question. Have you made mistakes? Sure, but it isn\t too late to correct them. Loving Venus enters Aries on May 26, giving you an extra boost of confidence. Suddenly the thought of approaching that hottie isn\t quite as scary.


career virgo daily

Star 10/10

Your mood shifts and you are suddenly becoming quite positive. You are able to see the opposing side of any issue you come in contact with, and this is helping you to broaden your overall perspective. Take this feeling with you when you head to work.


career virgo tomorrow

Star 8/10

The extra drive and motivation you had during the weekend has fizzled out now that the workweek has begun. What seemed clear and straightforward in your head before has now become quite muddled. Sort out the mess one step at a time.


career virgo weekly

Star 10/10

You may feel rather emotional about your obligations now. This can lead to misunderstandings with co-workers or family. Your desire to do well is commendable, but don\t let your need to be perfect unnecessarily stress you. This is a lucky time to apply for a job or ask for more responsibility. If you have any insecurity about your skills, this is the time to ask for help.


career virgo monthly

Star 10/10

On May 10, payment for a job could be less than expected. A tense Full Moon will cause a dissatisfied client to withhold a completion bonus or refuse to pay full price for disappointing work. This could force you to cancel a trip. Beware of raising a fuss. You don\t want to draw attention to this embarrassing situation. On May 26, the New Moon will give you an opportunity to venture into unfamiliar territory. Signing an overseas client or landing a job at a foreign-based company will lift your spirits. Changing course will pay off handsomely at the end of May.



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