Daily Libra Horoscope March 31 (31/03)


Sep 23 − Oct 22

Alias: Alias: The Scales

March 31


daily libra horoscope:

summary libra daily

Star 7/10

The idea of mingling and socializing could be more appealing than staring at a list of chores and tasks that appear to be growing by the hour. However, this is definitely a time when duty must come before pleasure, even if keeping a lasso around your wandering and easily-distracted mind proves difficult. An authority figure might be watching closely, so keep your head down!


summary libra tomorrow

Star 7/10

If youre going to agree with or commit to a certain person, then be clear about what it is youre agreeing to. Agreeing or committing without thinking through properly the full implications could cause you to retract your position if youre not careful. Its more a case of understanding whats being said to you rather than not bothering to read the fine print. Listen carefully.


summary libra weekly

Star 7/10

This weeks events could surround the tense link between Jupiter in your sign and Pluto in your solar sector of foundations. Tension, possibly connected with home or family, is about to increase and reach breaking point. This could also be amplified by a belief on your part that youre not being listened to or supported in a way you need both. Its likely that thoughts, feelings or opinions could be released. This, as youll see, will prove to be more positive than it sounds.


summary libra monthly

Star 9/10

Theres considerable planetary activity in your opposite sign of relationships and commitments this month. March commences with Venus going retrograde in this sector until mid-March. A New Moon on the 27th could help with a fresh start surrounding one partnership and you refraining from reflecting on the past. The arrival of Mercury and the Sun help the pace to pick up on relationship fronts but a tense Jupiter/Pluto link on the 30th brings home or family-related tension. An almighty clearing of the air might be whats needed to improve a domestic situation.


health libra daily

Star 8/10

The patience you have inside comes from deep down in your gut, and you may find yourself digging around in there today! Situations may get sticky, and your usual ways of getting through to people may be appear, suddenly, to be useless! Be patient with others, the situation, and above all with yourself. Remember that it\s not up to you to work everything out. Do what you can for yourself - when the going gets tough, the tough go to a yoga class!


health libra tomorrow

Star 8/10

If you\re thirsty when you read this, it means one of two things. Either you could use a lot more water in your daily diet, or, you could stand to reduce your caffeine intake to one cup a day. The serious message here is: stay hydrated! Otherwise, if you\re a little hot under the collar, it might make sense to spend some serious quality time goofing off.


health libra weekly

Star 9/10

Thoughts about relationships could give rise to nervous tension. Despite the fact that your head and shoulders feel tense, you\re still determined to enjoy life. You\ll feel better if you consume less caffeine, sugar, and fast food and more whole grains, vegetables, and water. Encourage your partner to stay in great shape, too!


health libra monthly

Star 10/10

This month can be an excellent time to take stock. If you made any New Year\s resolutions, did you manage to stick with them? Don\t feel bad if you didn\t. Just think about what you can do now to get back on track. In addition, it can help to focus on making those changes that are most important to you. While other people might influence you to go on a diet, exercise more, or pay more attention to your health in general, the impetus needs to come from you. Do this for yourself and you may find that your motivation soars. Looking for guidance? Consult a spiritual advisor now Looking for guidance? Consult a spiritual advisor now


love libra daily

Star 9/10

Today\s position of the planets may give you just the excuse you need to avoid having to explain why your behavior toward a certain person may have changed recently. You can give them all kinds of lengthy and obscure reasons without acknowledging certain feelings that you\d rather you didn\t have. However, you will only be able to get away with this for just so long.


love libra tomorrow

Star 7/10

You have the chance to make some significant breakthroughs in an important relationship, especially with the present astral configuration. You may have realized that certain beliefs or attitudes that you have held relate more to the past than to your present situation, and you are now prepared to do something about this. Although things may not improve overnight, making a start will bring about a significant difference.


love libra weekly

Star 8/10

You might not be ready to find Mr. or Ms. Right, but you\re definitely ready to look for Mr. or Ms. Right Now. Take advantage of chances to be sexy and seductive at the start of the week, because short romances don\t come with a lot of strings. Your best friends are nice substitutes for a significant other at week\s end, but there\s no real viable alternative for a soul mate. Timing is everything.


love libra monthly

Star 8/10

Venus turns retrograde on March 4, sending your love life into a tailspin, but it\s nothing you can\t recover from. In fact, use this brief romantic downtime to think about how to go about your next romantic adventure, but don\t be too quick to act. A Sun/Saturn square on March 17 brings obstacles that challenge your self-confidence, but your doubts will disappear once you\re able to see the big picture. The Jupiter/Pluto square on March 26 brings more unusual complications, but you\re getting used to handling romantic entanglements. Bring it on. Looking for guidance? Consult a spiritual advisor now Looking for guidance? Consult a spiritual advisor now


career libra daily

Star 7/10

Plans that you have been working on are at a standstill and you are wrestling with how to proceed. This is one of those times in which you need to relax and flow with the unexpected energy that comes your way. The answer is not what you think.


career libra tomorrow

Star 9/10

The overlying theme of the next three weeks has to do with a battle between old and new. You are on the side of the new, innovative, and broad-minded cooperative thinking, while the other side is stuck in antiquated, traditional ways of thought.


career libra weekly

Star 10/10

This period brings the opportunity for a positive new start. It\s ideal for program planning or job interviews. This is a very lucky time for gaining the support of others and finding recognition for your creative plans. It can also bring a very distracting flirtation in the workplace. This is a positive time for anything that benefits children. It encourages not only confidence but also your ability to use charm to get what you want.


career libra monthly

Star 10/10

A period of obscurity will end toward mid-March. When the Full Moon rises on March 12, it will be easier to get the credit youre due. Instead of being asked to clean up from behind the scenes, youll be able to display your talent in a public forum. This role will restore your confidence and make you a force to be reckoned with. Toward the end of the month youll be able to form an alliance with a highly creative person. This persons rebellious behavior may rub you the wrong way at first, but be patient. Youll soon see theres method to your partners madness. Looking for guidance? Consult a spiritual advisor now Looking for guidance? Consult a spiritual advisor now



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