Daily Aquarius Horoscope November 22 (22/11)


Jan 20 − Feb 18

Alias: Alias: The Water Bearer

November 22


daily aquarius horoscope:

summary aquarius daily

Star 9/10

Youre likely more admired and respected than you believe you are. Where you might feel a need to make just a bit more effort to impress or validate your credentials, you ought to trust that doing either or both are unnecessary. What you can offer or contribute in a particular way isnt being questioned. The fact that nothing is being said to allay your concerns might be testament to the fact that certain others dont believe they or you need reminding!


summary aquarius tomorrow

Star 10/10

A question could exist about how much effort or dedication youre expected to give to a certain person or cause. You might be aware of certain proverbial goalposts being moved. Alternatively, you might believe what you are giving isnt enough, to satisfy someone else or possibly yourself. If you want to increase what youre giving, then thats fine but ensure youre doing it for your own reasons rather than through believing youre falling short of any expectations. Youre not.


summary aquarius weekly

Star 10/10

When two truly creative people click, they often do so superbly. Whether or not you believe yourself to be blessed with creative talents or artistic abilities, an opportunity is presenting itself for you and a certain person to create something wonderful together. A spirit of collaboration needs to be embraced as Mars in your sign links with imaginative Neptune this week. If you dont yet know the identity of someone who wants to create with you, then you will do shortly.


summary aquarius monthly

Star 10/10

During the first half of November, Mars enters your sign. Some people delight in having the planet of raw, crude energy assisting them. Others find its influence too intense. What youre likely to find is a noticeable willingness to take initiative where you might have felt unsure or lacking in confidence. During coming weeks, you have the equivalent of a celestial boot aimed at your posterior. This neednt be uncomfortable. In fact, it could precisely what youve been waiting for.


health aquarius daily

Star 10/10

Be good to yourself, because nobody else has the power to make you happy - George Michael said that in one of his songs, and he might as well have been thinking of you! You need to take the power into your own hands and create the physical reality you can be happy in. This means opening up your eyes to all that you wish were different about your body and taking steps toward a future form that is closer to your ideal.


health aquarius tomorrow

Star 9/10

The planetary energy gives you the concrete desire to turn your most inspired thoughts into reality. If you see yourself as a long-distance runner but have never jogged a mile, run on down to the nearest sports equipment store and just look at the shoes - maybe have a conversation with the person in charge of that section of the store. Begin to help yourself feel comfortable in the areas you would like to grow into. Baby steps all the way, kid! Impress only yourself.


health aquarius weekly

Star 7/10

Health matters are in your hands now. You can now take conscious control of all your unconscious habits. Your good mood is certainly going to make you feel better, no matter what ailment you may have. Minor ailments could strike, but the positive boost from the Universe will help you in all ways.


health aquarius monthly

Star 8/10

As Mars jogs into your sign from November 9, you may find your energy level tends to vacillate throughout the day. As this can be fairly common with this influence, you may find taking supplements to boost your brainpower and energy to be helpful. There can be a tendency to live more in your mind than your body, so exercises that allow for daily movement and a connection with the earth, such as doing yoga outdoors, walking, or hiking in nature can all have a positive effect on your mind/body system. Its something you might want to do regularly.


love aquarius daily

Star 10/10

You may be brought to the point of almost severing a certain romantic liaison. If this is what you want, then go ahead and make a clean break. But if you just need to let off steam or release tension, then there are other ways of accomplishing this without putting the entire relationship at risk. Think carefully before you take any sudden action.


love aquarius tomorrow

Star 10/10

Your partner (current or prospective) is likely to be more adventurous and adopt a more experimental approach to life. However they decide to appear today, whatever they feel like wearing, or however they do their hair - just dont laugh. Allow them free play to explore the full range of their unique being. They will love you forever if you can give them permission to be themselves.


love aquarius weekly

Star 9/10

What is your main objective when it comes to dating? Do you have a clear idea or are you just winging it? The beginning of the week is a good time to formulate a plan and start executing it. Posting too many intimate details about an ex or a hookup could get you into trouble later in the week, so hold off on sharing private information. Not everyone wants to read your play by play, even if its complimentary.


love aquarius monthly

Star 7/10

A visit to your airy sign makes Mars quirkier than usual on November 8. You become a more experimental (and less forceful) lover, and youre best matched with someone whos willing to indulge your far-out passionate ideas. The Sun moves into freedom-loving Sagittarius on November 21, which is a natural match for you. You arent in a hurry to settle down, and this aspect gives you permission to extend your single days indefinitely. Mixed signals can be an unfortunate result of the New Moon/Neptune square on November 26, which could lead to embarrassing romantic encounters. Laugh it off if possible.


career aquarius daily

Star 9/10

Feel free to display more of your unique, original, and offbeat style. Many times during the workweek, you will suppress this side of you in order to conform to a certain personality that is appropriate for the workplace. Now you should let loose.


career aquarius tomorrow

Star 9/10

Everything is working well for you! You are in a very favorable position with everyone around you. You are able to make a great deal of progress on anything you tackle. This is the bright spot among the storm clouds that you have been waiting for.


career aquarius weekly

Star 9/10

Power plays are possible throughout this period. Get as much accomplished early as possible. Expect some resistance to your plans. Youre liable to say something cutting that wont win you points with the boss. Your most reliable co-workers will provide an island of serenity in a sea of change. An office romance or crush may burst into flames. Be sure this is wise. Try to forget the job on the weekend.


career aquarius monthly

Star 8/10

Youll finish a project that is close to your heart during the first half of November. Your performance will be so impressive that youll inspire someone to promote you to a better department or give you a plum position. This benefactor will work behind the scenes, so youll never be entirely sure of their identity. Youll be asked to participate in a group project around November 26. This assignment wont have sufficient funding, causing a great deal of frustration. If you can turn down this job, you probably should. There are worse things than being considered a bad team player.



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